Election Observation



Coos County Elections welcomes observers. It is important to us that all interested citizens come watch and ask questions in order to feel confident in the process. Steps to observe, as well as the required forms, can be found below. Election specific observation documents are posted to this page approximately 45 days prior to each election.

Primary and General Elections are some of the busiest times for any election's office. It is encouraged that observation requests be submitted as early as possible as staff will have extremely limited time to process them in the weeks leading up to Primary and General elections.

  1. Review the Observer Availability Chart for the election you want to observe;
  2. Choose 3 different dates and times that show a number other than 0;
  3. Complete an Observer Agreement & Request Form, with those 3 different dates and times listed in order of preference. If multiple times for a single day are submitted, only the first option for that day will be considered;
  4. Submit to the Coos County Elections Office using one of the methods designated on the bottom of the form;
  5. Within one week, an email will be sent from the Coos County Elections Office, to the email provided, with information about your scheduled observation time;
  6. Read all materials provided by the Coos County Elections Office before arriving for your scheduled observation time;
  7. Arrive at the Coos County Courthouse at your scheduled observation time and wait, outside of the Elections Office, for your name to be called by election staff.

Please also take a moment to read about the election process in Coos County.